Thursday 29 August 2013

Warsaw Oil painting

Apart from the outlines, I did this painting in one day, which may be a new record for me. I decided on a street scene in Warsaw focusing on the Palace of Culture and Science, an example of Stalinist Baroque architecture. I am fascinated with this style, an odd combination of Communist brutalism, American Skyscraper and Gothic revival. It's a huge bloated testament to Stalin's huge bloated ego and easily the most visible building in Warsaw, totally compelling in it's ugliness.  Here's where my picture started:
I then added the sky and the main part of the building using a pallette knife as usual. I wanted it to look like it was raining buckets because, well, it was.
At this point I was pretty happy with it but I had to decide if I wanted to make it look like it was really raining. Art, as is life, is all about taking risks, so I attacked my newly painted loveliness with a palette knife like it was the bathroom door in The Shining.
Raining buckets see? I wasn't that sure I'd got it right but I carried on regardless. I painted the light in the building below Stalin's tower and then added the pillars, road adjoining building and trees.
Adding a car, lampost and lights, I put my palette knife through the it all again whilst it was still wet. I think my gamble has paid off, it's a very atmospheric painting. I think it captures my visit well.

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