Wednesday 30 October 2013

Higher Coach Road, Baildon

I have over the last few years been painting this road in Baildon over different seasons. In situ, sometimes in the biting cold, suffering for my art. It used to lead up to Sir Titus Salt Jnr's house, Milners Field and its overhanging branches would have certainly created a dramatic entrance to the long demolished mansion. The guard house still remains at the top of it, now someone's picturesque home.

Autumn - 2013

This is how it looked after the first day, around 3.5 hours in. I actually got a lot done again mainly using a pallette knife.

Due to incessant rain for what seemed like 2 weeks, I wasn't able to get out there again until today (the light would have been too different). The scene had changed quite dramatically with much more yellows and oranges. So I painted them in.

Everyone who passes makes virtually the same joke, namely "Did you get me in?" or "Did you get my best side?" or "Shall I walk a bit slower?" I laugh politely.

Summer 2012

Here's my effort from July last year from virtually the same spot. It appears much brighter and greener, as well you might expect. That's seasons for you.

Spring 2012
Painted in late March, does that class as Spring? Well there's not too much to suggest that anyway in this rather more sparse composition. Now all I need is winter...better break out the long johns.